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Registrations Received - Spring 2018
Central Michigan University
Cynthia Damer
Matthew Buccilli
Bria Graham
Amber Ide
Kory Hobbs

Michigan State University
Nan Du
Jiao Chen
Paige Larner

Rebecca Ives
Erin Uhelski

Davenport University
Laura Harris
Amber Park
Kristine Spitzer
Kuana M. School

Ronna Rummer
Grand Valley State University
Ian Cleary
Rebecca Gordon

Julia Bennett
Connor McCarthy
Julia Martiradonna
Alexis Bigler
Derek Thomas 
Ferris State University
Gavin Pierce
Oakland University
Asma Khan
Eastern Michigan University
Constance Vernham
Amanda Rielinger
Paul Price
Marion Graham
Alaa Hasan
Razan Tanbour

Dave Lall
Thomas Brewer
Anne Casper
Daniel Clemans
Wayne State University
Jared Schrader
Nadra alhusini
Mohammed Husain Bharmal
Zuzer Dhoondia

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Last updated: December 29, 2018